
Saturday, December 5, 2009

Hope, where is yours?

“‘Be on guard so that your hearts are not weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of this life, and that day does not catch you unexpectedly,” – Luke 21:34

We live in a time that is full of fear. We move to “safe” neighborhoods just to have prowlers on our front porches. We fear the economy and future as we never have before. America, our nation seems divided with changes we don’t know how to deal with or understand. We are experiencing 1000 year not 100 year floods; feet of snow in areas that in early fall may get an inch or 2 on occasion.

Do we really live in a time to be feared or do we allow fear to invade our thoughts and the very essence of our being? Are we falling into the enemy’s trap that stops us in our tracks? Luke 21: 25-36 describes men’s hearts failing from fear and the future.

This same passage describes a hope beyond all hope, Jesus coming in a cloud. We are told look up for our redemption draws near. Jesus was the hope for Israel at His birth, yet most of Israel missed it. During His ministry, most of Israel missed Him. He is our ever present help and hope today, yet much of our world is missing Him. He is this world’s future hope.

Are you trusting Him? Are you believing Him, not believing in him………… believing HIM, your hope and future. Can you look to Jesus and say I trust You Lord: You are my hope? Can you say, I will show the world You Lord, and Your hope by thought and deed, words only when necessary?

~ Martie

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