
Monday, December 14, 2009

An Angel in a Barn

“Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” - Hebrews 1:14

Have you ever seen an angel? I have watched one work in a barn! Her name is Joan, nice name for an angel. Our car care ministry has many workers doing many different jobs. This is how the body of Christ operates ideally. Joan's job is feeding the workers and those being served. She brings a casserole from heaven--eggs, cheese, potatoes, bacon--yes, straight from heaven! And we are fed a wonderful breakfast for our tummies. But, her angelic work only begins there. Joan loves on everyone that comes into that dusty old barn/car repair garage. She hugs each one, smiles at each one and truly listens to each and every persons concerns. Her love accomplishes so much more in the waiting area than the mechanics do in the repair area. Folks leave with better brakes or oil changes. But, they take away something much more valuable, they take the love of Jesus Christ given by an angel named Joan.

As we wait, as advent approaches, we too must be the hands and feet of Jesus. Some of the hands get pretty dirty with lots of greasy fingernails. Others, like those of angel Joan Garling, reach out in love and touch the hearts of everyone she meets. Joan is now being an angel back in New York. How blessed are they! How we miss her sweet beautiful smile and spirit. We will see many angels this Christmas season, reminding us of the angels that announced to frightened shepherds of the coming of our Messiah.

But, I will be reminded of the angel in the barn, sweet loving Joan. Her light shines the love of Jesus, Christmas and always. Praise God for His angels among us all!

~ Rebecca

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