I had a moment today - a God moment.
How often have you gone about your day doing what you felt was what you had to do because it is what you are designed to do, only to feel at the end of your day an emptiness in the meaning of your work? I have felt that way more often than I care to admit. In the world of pastoral vocation we have the blessing and the joy to serve God. Hallelujah! Yet ... there are days when clergy of the small church are so emptied out with caring for others, doing the bulletins, tidying the office and sanctuary, and working on the million other mundane tasks of the office, that we lose the joy of prayer and preparation. We lose focus on the knowledge and hope that Sunday is coming!
Well, today was one of those days. I have had so many ministry tasks to juggle and the stress of several significant changes to process that my joy was simply running-on-empty. After driving an hour to a meeting that ran for almost three hours and then driving home for another hour, I had to work on some paperwork and get ready for another meeting. My mind was overtired and my heart was heavy and I just wanted to walk away for awhile. Instead, I dutifully sat down to work on the next task of the day and began sorting through my email. That's when my God moment happened!
In my email was a message from someone who had heard me speak recently. This individual was so touched by God's spirit that they "had to" share what was on their heart with me. That simple gesture by this person affirmed and lifted me in a way that doesn't happen often. I knew that God was speaking to me and telling me, "Well done good and faithful one" through the words and testimony of another. This message has filled my heart with joyful anticipation to embrace the next step God is calling me to. Please continue in prayer that I may be worthy of the task set before me and that God may be glorified through the process!
Thank you my friend for your obedience to our Lord in sharing your message with me. I have been touched and have felt the fingerprint of God on my heart today.
"The man with the two talents also came. 'Master,' he said, 'you entrusted me with two talents; see, I have gained two more.'"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!' ~ Matthew 25:22-23
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